Our Team


Our childcare educators are our business, so with this in mind, Kool Kidz places a lot of emphasis on educator selection, induction, training and an ongoing program to monitor an educator’s performance.


Kool Kidz Approved Providers are always on the lookout for potential candidates who:

  • Have a genuine love of children
  • Obtain job satisfaction through quality interactions with children
  • Have a real passion for working with children and really enjoy their company and learning
  • Have a willingness to go the extra mile which highlights their personal dedication
  • Have a strong work ethic
  • Have lots of enthusiasm and initiative
  • Are positive role models
  • Can make magic happen

All of our childcare educators are encouraged and supported to further their qualifications and attend regular training provided by Kool Kidz. Kool Kidz provides regular opportunities for traineeships and student placements as another strategy for screening potential future childcare educators.