Kool Beginnings Curriculum – Numbers


Our Kool Beginnings Curriculum (KBC) ‘Numbers’ block focuses on early mathematics and numeracy, which cover numbers, shapes, sizes, measurements, and patterns. This helps children develop reasoning, logic, and abstract thinking skills. Numeracy involves applying mathematics in everyday situations, starting with recognising and responding to numbers from infancy.


Children start understanding maths and numeracy well before they receive formal teaching. Rather than thinking of mathematics as occurring in particular areas of our environments, educators are encouraged to develop ideas for extending mathematical thinking within any given area that a child prefers to play in, as everyday life provides a rich source of mathematical opportunities. When we are sensitive to the many learning opportunities that surround children, we are able to consider ways in which children’s mathematical thinking can be extended in a range of different contexts.

To be numerate is to have the ability (skills) and inclination (interest) to use mathematics effectively. This requires educators to have a balanced approach between instructional teaching that supports the development of mathematical skills and an inquiry-based approach that scaffolds positive learning dispositions. It is important to consider the child’s purpose for using mathematics. If the purpose for exploring and using mathematics is meaningful for the child, they are more likely to approach the task in a more interested and positive way from the child who is presented with tasks that have been selected by an adult for teaching or testing purposes, but have little meaning for the child. When guiding children in mathematics, the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) encourages this to be done through a holistic approach to learning and development; being a play-based environment, with intentional teaching.