Kool Beginnings Curriculum


The Kool Beginnings Curriculum supports our educators to implement the Australian Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) which was developed by industry professionals through government initiatives. The EYLF provides solid theory, principles and strategies for how children best learn and develop.

Our Kool Beginnings Curriculum (KBC) is a specially-designed play-based and child-centred curriculum exclusive to Kool Kidz. The KBC includes 12 blocks, which ensures that your child is provided with experiences that cover a wide variety of learning areas within their program.

It gives all children the time to learn through play in a loving, friendly and fun environment. Children are given the attention they deserve, have all their needs catered for, are treated with respect, given space to learn and develop, always presented with new learning spaces and of course the opportunity to make magic happen each day.

Kool Kidz also recognises the importance of communication and language, including early literacy, numeracy and social-emotional development.

Kool Beginnings Curriculum Learning Blocks


The Kool Beginnings Curriculum Learning Blocks cover the following developmental areas: